HCE Donates Needed Items
Solutions Center recently received a donation from the Fond du Lac County Association for Home and Community Education, Inc. (HCE). The organization donated two microwaves, pillows,…
The “Spent” Game Demonstrates Difficult Poverty Lessons
How would you do living on minimum wage? “Spent” is an online game about surviving poverty and homelessness, created by McKinney, an advertising agency. According to…
Warming Shelter Featured In Reporter Article/Video
Solutions Center’s Warming Shelter was recently featured in The Reporter. Click here to read the news article: http://www.fdlreporter.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2014301080128 Click here to watch the video: http://www.fdlreporter.com/article/20140108/FON0101/140108013/Staying-alive-Fond-du-Lac-warming-shelter-video–